Enlarging Your Small Front Yard Using the Right Landscaping Ideas

Home » Enlarging Your Small Front Yard Using the Right Landscaping Ideas

traditional front yard landscape with natural stone pavers maple tree exposed mortar stone wall concrete flower vase glass windows in beige trim Peter A. Sellar - Architectural Photographer

Traditional Front Yard Landscape With A Fountain Stone Slabs Pathway Concrete Pathways Outdoor Wooden Chairs Gray Sofa Green Pillow Throw Umbrella
Traditional Front Yard Landscape Concrete Ceramic Stairs Pathways Stone Gate Green Shrubbery Gray Painted Wooden Deck Wall Glass Front Door And Windows In White Trim
Mediterranean Front Yard Landscape With A Container Garden And Brown And Cream Brick Pavers Exposed Stone Mortar Wall Wooden Front Door
Large Traditional Partial Sun Front Yard Landscape With A Garden Path And Concrete Pavers For Fall White Foo Dogs Beige Wall Black Front Door And White Trim
Contemporary Front Yard Landscape With Concrete Stairs Green Plants Porch Brass Lamp Cover Dark Trim Window
Contemporary Front Yard Drought Tolerant Landscape With Galvanized Metal Barrel Concrete Pathways White Painted Wooden Deck Wall Wooden Porch Benches Glass Front Door And Windows
Traditional Front Yard Landscape With Natural Stone Pavers Maple Tree Exposed Mortar Stone Wall Concrete Flower Vase Glass Windows In Beige Trim
Concrete Tiles Pathway White Painted Wooden Deck Black Posts Glass Front Door And Windows In White Trim Front Stairs Wooden Fences Green Shrubbery
Craftsman Green Exterior Home Idea White Trim Glass Windows Stone Slabs Pathways Stone For Gardening Area Stair Front Porch Wooden Fences
Traditional Wood Exterior Home With A Gambrel Roof Pebbles Area Stone Slab Pathways Outdoor Ceramic Tiles White Front Door Black Exterior Wall Paint

Small front yard can be as beautiful as wide yard if you know how to make it work. To help you maximizing any potential on your front yard area, this article will give you ten superb ideas to enlarge this place.

Front Yard for Socializing Area

Moving the activity to the front yard makes you to be more visible and approachable by your neighbors. Building community benches, establishing front-yard gardens, or even making a barbecue place can give better connection to the community.

Two Gatherings Areas

Because one is never enough, you can create two gatherings areas in your front yard. Creating a secondary area for gathering in smaller size and coordinate the material to create a disjointed look to both of the areas.

Matching the Style of the House and the Garden

The photo below shows that the plants fit perfectly with the house style as well as with the gardening condition. A Southwestern- style house is matched with a Southwestern- style garden.

Guardian Foo Dogs

Foo dogs in front of our house signify that the place they are guarding is and important one and certainly gives pauses to anyone about to enter. Thus, having these guardian statues increase the philosophical value of your house.

Small Trees in the Front Yard for the Shade

Dwarf or semi dwarf trees can beautify your small front yard in their own ways. They create a focal point and increasing the sense of depth. Try to scale the look according to the size of your yard.

Setting the Pathway for Your Front Yard

Set the type of path you choose to set the pace for how quickly or slowly someone will reach to your house. Straight path is a common ideas for a pathways. However, with a small front yard, a long walk will not harm them by pleasing their eyes on your garden.

Rain Barrel for Harsh Weather

If you live in area where rain hits your house regularly, you may use metal material rain barrels. The barrel in the photo below has contemporary look. It is galvanized to resist mold and rust for better durability.

Reducing the Size of Your Lawn

You don’t need to use all of your small yard to be a gardening area. You can be creative and reduce the size of the lawn. Less grassy area means less time mowing, fertilizing, weeding, and reseeding.

Alternate Approach to Front Door

If you have small front yard, you may want to alternate the approach to your front door. A curving path helps move the eye through the landscape, making your yard to be more spacious and thoughtful.

traditional front yard landscape concrete ceramic stairs pathways stone gate green shrubbery gray painted wooden deck wall glass front door and windows in white trim

Terrascapes Landscape Design

Welcoming Entry Garden

The entry garden in the photo below has a beautiful red maple tree creating a lush and welcoming feel. The smaller plants in various color makes your small yard makes your small yard as a focal point area.

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