Decorating Comfy Small Study to Keep You Focus

Home » Decorating Comfy Small Study to Keep You Focus

study, grey floor, floating wooden table with drawer, floating open shelves, wooden window bench, pillows, white pendant Collective Res

Study, Grey Floor, Floating Wooden Table With Drawer, Floating Open Shelves, Wooden Window Bench, Pillows, White Pendant
Small Study Nook, White Wall, Wooden Floor, Wooden Table, Black Leather Chair, Brown Rug, Pendant
Small Study, Wooden Table, Wooden Chair, White Wall, White Low Shelves
Study, White Wall, White Floor, Wooden Table, White Modern Chair, Window
Small Corner Study, Wooden Floor, White Wall, Wooden Shelves, Glass Window, White Modern Chairs,
Study, White Floor, White Wall, Wooden Table, White Modern Chair, Wooden Shelves, Window, Polka Dot Curtain
Foldable Study In A White Cupboard, Built In Shelves, White Modern Chair
Small Study, Brown Rug, Wooden Table, White Chair, Glass Window With Black Frame
Small Study, Wooden Floor, Pink Rug, White Cupboard, Shelves, Built In Table In Between, Wooden Chair
Small Study, White Wooden Table, White Wooden Chair, Open Shelves, Window

Having comfortable study is a must, especially when your work requires you to sit in a long time. Your back might pain from too long sitting hour, uncomfortable table height, etc. And if your body is in pain, you will not be able to perform perfectly well on your work. That is why, having the most comfortable setting to work is one of the most important thing. It does not matter if the space is limited. Even with small space, comfort can be gain. These below are amazing small studies that will help you to create one of yours.

Study Nook
If you decide to have your study inside some nook, you will want to make sure you’re not gonna feel suffocated. One of the ways to do it is by adding glass windows along the wall so that bright light and surround view can greet you. This will make you work less pressuring.

Graceful Chair
Making your study room comfortable also means making sure that you have everything you need in the reach of your hand. And if you need some books to back you up, this kind of setting will do you a great time, with the built-in shelves. And, to make it more interesting, graceful chair is added here.

Beside the Window
To give larger feeling, a neutral look is one of the best ways to decorate your small space so that the space will look bright. Of course, you can do more with glass window near the study too, like this one here.

Simple Setting
Similar to the previous one, this one is also positioned near the window. This helps the study to look bright. The shelves on the wall looks simple and light.

Fresh and Sweet
This one puts the study in front of the window and the table gets enough light. If you work on this table, you will get the best light and you will be able to ponder outside the window once you get bored. Completed with matching wooden shelves, this study is really pretty in its minimalism.

Small and Compact
In this small corner, the necessities of making a good paper can be easily stored on the shelves. And the necessities to write peaceful and comfortably is on the simple and nice study near the window.

Behind the Large Window
This simple yet elegant study can bring you calm and serene ambiance to get your work done. The simple and smooth wooden table will keep your focus on and the large window will help you get refreshing view as well as light.

Small White
Just like what you might do in a small space, this one puts small table, opt for white and neutral look, and as small window to give more airy ambiance.

Inside the Cupboard
With small space, the more furniture can be multi function, the more genius the design is. It is what can be seen from this white cupboard with foldable table inside, as well as shelves and board to stick things up.

Study and Relax
Combining two functions in one space can be refreshing. This one puts study and window bench in one space and allows you to have some relaxing time out from pressured work or study.

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